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Half way there. Thank you so much!

Amy Smith


We’re halfway there! Thanks to you, Eatwell has achieved half of our 70k goal in just 4 days! Your enthusiasm and support continues to amaze and inspire us. Thanks to everyone who have helped us spread the word about our campaign! We’re thrilled that we have received contributions and encouragement from all over the world, and we hope to continue to gain new supporters in the weeks ahead. We have accepted an invitation to showcase Eatwell at Aging Innovation Week in Taipei the week of November 14-19, and to speak at an Assistive Technology seminar at Stanford University on Feb. 26th 2015. Please join us if you can!Silver Linings Global, Aging Innovation Week University Assistive Technology seminar,非常感謝各界的支持與鼓勵, Eatwell 在過去四天達到一半的募款金額!來自各地的支持者對Eatwell的關注與幫忙都讓我們非常感動,同時我們也馬不停蹄地進行宣傳,希望得讓更多的人知道這個有意義的集資活動,希望活動可以持續得進行,早日達成目標。另外有關對產品的相關詢問以及回台行程,目前將預計會在11月在台灣參加國際週活動(2014 11/14 to 11/19),美國地區則是將於明年史丹佛大學輔助科技講座(2015/02/26)分享設計經驗,歡迎有興趣的朋友可以前往交流。銀浪新創力國際週史丹佛輔助科技講座

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