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Eatwell is on the air!

Amy Smith


Eatwell is on the air! We have been invited to appear as a special guest on 10/29 Wed. from 11am - 12pm on "The Fans' Show" on Sing Tao Chinese Radio station, 96.1 FM to introduce EATWELL and the story behind it. Hope you tune in, and see you on the air! ( Eatwell 要在空中與大家相見嘍! 受到星島中文廣播台FM 96.1的邀請, 我們將在美西時間10/29(三) 早上11-12點的"粉絲樂翻天"時間 將Eatwell 介紹給更多人,聊聊背後的故事。 有興趣的朋友可與我們空中相見歐!(

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